Duncan Dance South
Many Faces of Love & New Works
Hattiesburg Arts Council
Saturday, February 17th at 5pm- FREE
723 Main Street, Hattiesburg, MS
www.duncandancesouth.org | @duncandancesouth
This concert is a collaboration between legacy Isadora Duncan dance artist Meg Brooker and Houston-based pianist Sherry Cheng. Brooker and Cheng's artistic collaboration originated in Houston, Texas, through work with Misha Penton's Divergence Vocal Theatre, and extended to the Noyes School of Rhythm in Portland, CT, where Cheng has served as resident pianist. The works on this program include selections from Béla Bartók, Frédéric Chopin, Edvard Grieg, Franz Liszt, and Sergei Prokofiev and will conclude with the Johannes Brahms' Op. 39 waltzes, choreographed by early modern dance artist Isadora Duncan as "The Many Faces of Love." Dancers on this program have been trained in both Duncan dance and in the work of Florence Fleming Noyes, and the Noyes influence is most evident in the new works and in structured improvisations.

Bagatelles, Op 6, Nos 2, 3, 4, 5
Composer: Béla Bartók
Choreographer/Dancer: Meg Brooker
Nocturne, Op 27, No 1
Composer: Frédéric Chopin
Open Improvisation- All Dancers
Lyric Pieces, Op 57, No 6, Homesickness
Composer: Edvard Grieg-
Le Mal du Pays, Homesickness
Composter: Franz Liszt
Choreographer/Dancer: Meg Brooker
Visions Fugitives, Op 22, Nos 1, 3, 5, 8
Composer: Sergei Prokofiev
Open Improvisation- All Dancers
The Many Faces of Love
Composer: Johannes Brahms' Op. 39 waltzes, Nos 16, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15
Choreographer: Isadora Duncan (circa 1910-1912)
Staging: Meg Brooker
DDS Dancers: Meg Brooker with Kadie Cooper, Natasja Hall,
and Sarah Robertson
Guest Dancers: Merrie Kathleen Christmas, Tammy Sanford & Mississippi School of the Arts Dance
USM Dancers: Gabby Bass, Kamala Browning,
and Kate Mackey (faculty)
All works on the program played by Sherry Cheng.
Collaborating Artists
The Hattiesburg Arts Council provides collaborative, innovative, and accessible programming in the arts, that promotes artists in all disciplines and enhances the quality of life in our community. www.hattiesburgartscouncil.com