Dancing with the Muses at Parthenon, Centennial Park, Nashville
Terpsichore- Muse of Dance and Lyric Poetry
Dancing the Muses with Duncan Dance South
Partnering with the Centennial Performing Arts Studio and Artistic Director of Duncan Dance South, Meg Brooker, dances inspired by the art of Christy Lee Rogers will be performed in the East Gallery and in the Naos on January 26, 2025 from 2:00 - 3:30 PM.
RSVP in advance for FREE museum admission for this performance.

Io e Lei: Isadora Duncan, Season 2, Episode 5, SkyArte
Nuovo appuntamento su Sky Arte con IO e LEI, la serie dedicata alle grandi artiste del passato interpretate da talentuose attrici contemporanee.
Durante l’episodio in onda martedì 7 marzo, Sonia Bergamasco viaggia alla ricerca delle tracce tangibili della rivoluzionaria danzatrice Isadora Duncan. Lo studio, l’incontro con la danzatrice statunitense Meg Brooker, ritenuta tra le più importanti epigoni contemporanee di Isadora, con le professoresse Veroli e Giubilei che hanno curato le mostre sulla Duncan in Italia, permettono all’attrice di entrare in contatto profondo con Isadora.

Rough Draft Hattiesburg: Interview with Meg Brooker
Rough Draft Hattiesburg presents: Meg Brooker with music by King Konga!
Meg is a visionary in both dance and visual arts. She is a Professor of Dance and Director of the School of Performing and Visual Arts at the University of Southern Mississippi. Listen in as we discuss the many elements of dance and visual arts with Meg Brooker and enjoy the musical stylings of King Conga with original songs “Dancing Girl” and “Something Good!”

Orpheus Reimagined, Parthenon, Centennial Park, Nashville
ECHO and Friends of Metro Dance are excited partner with the artists Duncan Dance South and Portara Ensemble to present Orpheus Reimagined, an original program of new and reconstructed dance and music works created for the unique space of Nashville’s Parthenon. (Rescheduled from March 2020)

5 Somatic Techniques Founded by Dancers, Dance Magazine
Although somatic disciplines share a common set of values—internal sensing, increased ease, embodied anatomy, efficient action—the path to achieving all of that can vary wildly. How can you find the method that best speaks to you? It may be useful to look at some less familiar yet potent somatic gems founded by dancers and deeply tied to performance practices.

LIVE at the HUNTER: Duncan Dance South
Enjoy an evening of modern dance with Meg Brooker of Duncan Dance South and local guest dancers celebrating the art of dance interpreted through the choreography of Isadora Duncan and inspired by the photography of "Power, Passion & Pose: Photographs by Ken Browar and Deborah Ory."

Nature, Grace, Flow & Play by Nancy Wozny
During my pandemic adventures into the soma-sphere I moved in both directions in time, from studying with the new crop of dancing Feldenkrais teachers to exploring vintage somatic methods, such as Noyes Rhythm, a method, that chances are, you’ve never heard of.
Relax, a few months back, I was right there with you.
It was at a performance of Celebrating Isadora Duncan with Lori Belilove and Sara Mearns at Virtual Jacob’s Pillow Festival on May 27 that reconnected me to my friend Meg Brooker, who had left Texas to become an Associate Professor at Middle Tennessee State University.

Io e Lei: Isadora Duncan
Nuovo appuntamento su Sky Arte con IO e LEI, la serie dedicata alle grandi artiste del passato interpretate da talentuose attrici contemporanee.
Durante l’episodio in onda martedì 7 marzo, Sonia Bergamasco viaggia alla ricerca delle tracce tangibili della rivoluzionaria danzatrice Isadora Duncan. Lo studio, l’incontro con la danzatrice statunitense Meg Brooker, ritenuta tra le più importanti epigoni contemporanee di Isadora, con le professoresse Veroli e Giubilei che hanno curato le mostre sulla Duncan in Italia, permettono all’attrice di entrare in contatto profondo con Isadora.

LIVE at the HUNTER: Duncan Dance South
Enjoy an evening of modern dance with Meg Brooker of Duncan Dance South and local guest dancers celebrating the art of dance interpreted through the choreography of Isadora Duncan and inspired by the photography of "Power, Passion & Pose: Photographs by Ken Browar and Deborah Ory."

Murfreesboro Names 2021 Laureates
January 2021: Dancer Meg Brooker and actor Cameron L. Mitchell join Poet laureate Amie Whittemore in being named as The City of Murfreesboro Cultural Arts' 2021 Laureates. The Murfreesboro Cultural Arts Laureate Program is a notable honor for local artists, providing recipients with further opportunities to educate, advocate, and represent the community through their own creative initiatives. Laureates serve for one year. Whittemore was selected as Poet laureate last year and was invited to serve through 2021.

This Dance Was Part of the Women's Suffrage Movement- And Meg Brooker is Reconstructing It for 2020
October 2020: As the presidential election approaches, it's a particularly meaningful time to remember that we are celebrating the centennial of the 19th Amendment, when women earned the right to vote after a decades-long battle. Movement was more than a metaphor for the fight for women's suffrage...

Orpheus Reimagined at The Parthenon, Centennial Park, Nashville
September 2021: ECHO and Friends of Metro Dance are excited partner with the artists Duncan Dance South and Portara Ensemble to present Orpheus Reimagined, an original program of new and reconstructed dance and music works created for the unique space of Nashville’s Parthenon.

Many Faces of Love at Hunter Museum in Chattanooga
February 2020: Inspired by the season and by works in the Hunter collection, MTSU Assistant Professor of Dance and Duncan Dance South Director Meg Brooker will present a performance of Isadora Duncan’s "The Many Faces of Love" in the Hunter galleries. Afterwards, learn more about the Hunter’s collection and the work of Isadora Duncan during a discussion.

WGNS: Focus on MTSU Fall Dance Concert
November 2019: WGNS Radio interview promoting the MTSU Dance Theatre Fall 2019 concert and efforts to raise awareness for the Murfreesboro Cold Patrol. Also featuring MTSU Dance program growth, upcoming auditions, and exciting prospects for future dance majors.

Embodied Exploration
July 2019: In MTSU’s Dance program, experiential learning is the backbone of both the creative and educational processes. “We like to say that practice is research, and research is practice,” said Meg Brooker, assistant professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance.

The Pulse: Arts, Entertainment, Culture
January 2019: The Hunter Museum celebrates a dance legend
“Music and poetry exist in time; painting and architecture in space. But the dance lives at once in time and space.” — Curt Sachs

Dancing with Isadora
January 2019: Experience our collection dancing to life with an in-gallery performance developed by MTSU Assistant Professor of Dance and Duncan Dance South Director Meg Brooker. This performance features Elizabeth Disharoon Wright, performing courtesy of Lori Belilove & the Isadora Duncan Dance Company, Valerie Durham, co-director of the Duncan Dance Project. $15 adults (includes museum admission).

Isadora Duncan: Art, Myth, & Movement
April 2018: Isadora Duncan lived life as art, pioneering free expression through dance. Learn about her extraordinary legacy through a weekend of performances, workshops and lectures presented by the Metro Parks Dance Division and MTSU dance professor Meg Brooker and the Duncan Dance Project in partnership with the Parthenon, Centennial Art Center, New Dialect, Kidsville, Centennial Youth Ballet, and Barfield Dance Academy.

Nashville Arts Magazine: Celebrating Dance Innovator Isadora Duncan
April 2018: Thanks to the early 20th century revolutionary expression and stylistic innovations by Isadora Duncan, “The Mother of Modern Dance,” any location can be envisioned as the perfect backdrop to a dance performance. For dancers, the sight of the Nashville Parthenon has long evoked images of Duncan performing at the beloved ancient temple.

Isadora Duncan International Symposium, ODC Theatre, San Francisco, CA
August 2017: The 2017 Symposium theme is “Resurgence: Bridging Time and Techniques.” 140 years after Duncan’s birth, we gather in San Francisco to explore the city and landscape that informed her early artistic development.

ODC Hotspot: Isadora Duncan Dance Technique, San Francisco, CA
August 2017: In preparation for the third biennial Isadora Duncan International Symposium Resurgence: Bridging Time and Techniques, August 10-12, 2017 at the ODC Dance Theatre, the IDIS Steering Committee will offer community open classes in Duncan technique.

Duncan Dance Project at Calvert 22 Gallery, London
June 2017: Performances of Meg Brooker's Birches and original Duncan repertory by DDP dancer Julia Pond for the Sixth Sense of the Avant-Garde book lauch. Workshop entitled "Isadora Duncan's Revolutionary Dances" co-facilitated by Meg Brooker and Julia Pond. http://

This Middle Tennessee Professor Took Her Dance Students to Russia
July 2017 When Valentina Ryazanova from the People's Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) invited me to bring students to perform in the Moscow 2017 Isadora Duncan dance festival, I knew that I had to make the trip happen.

Dancestry...Beckoning, Austin, TX
March 2017: Dancestry transports its dancers and audiences on a century-long journey into modern dance history and back again. Beckoning blasts us into the past with the historic works of American modern dance icons Isadora Duncan and Erick Hawkins.

New Dialect: Morning Classes, Nashville, TN
February 2017: Join us for a weeklong workshop in the technique and repertoire of legendary dance innovator, Isadora Duncan. This rare opportunity to study the expressive movement vocabulary of Duncan, will focus on the distinct elements of her technique and relate the work to dance history and contemporary practice.

Duncan Residency: School of Creative and Performing Arts, Lexington, KY
January 2017: The SCAPA Dance Department is proud and excited to be hosting a residency program with choreographer Meg Brooker from Middle Tennessee State University. Our residency will provide all dance majors with technique classes and will also provide an opportunity to be part of the choreographic process for a piece for Dance SCAPA 2017. http://

European Soiree: Duncan Dance Project at Sutton House, London
August 2016: East London Radio Interview: At the end of July , Dancers Julia Pond & Meg Brooker and Pianist Holly Cullen-Davies performed a night of music and dance performance featuring composers of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. http://

Guest Performances in Greece
July 2016: During the summer of 2016, Meg Brooker danced as a guest with Lori Belilove & the Isadora Duncan Dance Company as part of the 44th CID World Congress on Dance at the Dora Stratou Theatre in Athens, Greece, and for a residency at the Samos School of Dance. She also appeared with Barbara Kane's Isadora Duncan Dance Group London/Paris at the Kalamata International Dance Festival.

Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University
April 2016: "Maenads & Muses: A Celebration of the Dances of Isadora Duncan & the Greek Ideal" brings together the artistic and the scholarly with performances of Isadora Duncan dances as well as discussions of the influence of the Greek aesthetic and philosophy.

Dancestry...Vivid, Austin, TX
January 2016: Austin Chronicle Review by Jonelle Seitz
Audiences gained much from this program's recreations of historic dances by Isadora Duncan, Loie Fuller, and Lucia Dlugoszewski.

Women in Dance Leadership Conference Highlight: Meg Brooker
October 2015: Our mission is to investigate, explore, and reflect on women’s leadership by representing innovative and multicultural dance work to celebrate, develop, and promote women’s leadership in dance making, dance related fields, and other male dominated professions.

Dancestry at Texas State University
September 2015: Isadora Duncan, Loïe Fuller, Erick Hawkins: Dance aficionados recognize these late choreographers as having played a significant role in the foundation and development of American modern dance. What if audiences could see works by each of these historic dancemakers on one program? In Dancestry, showing Sept. 11-12 at Texas State University’s Patti Strickel Harrison Theatre, you can.

Noyes School of Rhythm Summer Program, Portland, CT
July 2015: Meg will be teaching at the Noyes School of Rhythm Foundation's summer program in Portland, CT, for three weeks. Visit for more information and to register. Come join Meg in the CT woods!

Isadora Duncan International Symposium, Chicago, IL
June 2015: For the second biennial Isadora Duncan Internationa Symposium at Joffrey in Chicago, Meg taught a workshop entitled "Discovering Duncan: Encountering Noyes" and facilitated a panel addressing gender in Isadora Duncan dance.

SDHS, Athens, Greece
June 2015: Meg presented work on early modern dance artist Florence Fleming Noyes for the joint Society of Dance History Scholars/Congress on Research in Dance international conference.χορεύοντας-στη-λιτότητα%E2%80%8F/